
Libyan Raids Show Obama Doctrine in Action

From the start of White House deliberations about how to respond to the crisis in Libya, President Barack Obama set two clear parameters for his top advisers: he didn't want to use military force if the U.S. had to be in the lead and he had no intention of sending American ground troops.

With Saturday's start of airstrikes against Libyan leader Col. Moammar Ghadafi, Mr. Obama appears to be putting into practice a foreign-policy doctrine he first sketched during the 2008 presidential campaign..

Facing off against then-fellow Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in a debate for the Democratic primary, Mr. Obama said he didn't want to just end the war in Iraq. "I want to end the mind-set that got us into war in the first place," he said.

In contrast to his predecessor, President George W. Bush, Mr. Obama appears intent on not moving too fast or acting alone.

The approach risks opening Mr. Obama to criticism from the right, in particular, but also from the brand of liberal internationalism that animates some of his advisers. Potential Republican presidential candidates for 2012 have criticized the president in recent days for appearing tentative and not pushing America's traditional role of international peacekeeper.

It also isn't clear that the U.S. will be able to hold back and let the international coalition take charge if the effort falters.

In a three-minute statement to the media on Saturday after the first cruise missiles were launched, Mr. Obama six times noted international support for the use of force, saying the attack on Libya was an "international effort" and that the U.S. was acting with a "broad coalition" that included European and Arab partners. Mr. Obama and his aides also said he and top advisers had consulted with bipartisan leaders in Congress.

"Make no mistake: Today we are part of a broad coalition," Mr. Obama told reporters traveling with him in Brazil, where Mr. Obama was beginning a five-day previously scheduled swing through Latin America. He spent most of Saturday talking with Brazilian officials and executives about trade and other matters.

Mr. Obama appeared content Saturday to be seen as following French President Sarkozy, who issued the first order of the day to strike at Col. Gadhafi's forces and protect the rebel capital of Benghazi.

In 2003, then-French President Jacques Chirac opposed Mr. Bush's drive to war in Iraq, as did Mr. Obama, who at the time was a state senator from Illinois just beginning a long-shot U.S. Senate campaign.

The cruise-missile strikes ordered by Mr. Obama against Col. Gadhafi's air defenses Saturday were the first major show of American force in the military campaign. "We're the only nation with the capacity to fire that many," a military official said, explaining why the U.S. was taking the lead for now.

They were also the first military action authorized by Mr. Obama that weren't connected with a war that began before his presidency.

Officials said the timing of the strikes was dictated by Col. Gadhafi and reflected Western surprise at the speed at which he moved his forces against Benghazi, the rebel capital in eastern Libya.

The U.S. launched the missiles after concluding early Saturday that "the regime had no intention of complying with their so-called cease-fire announcement," a senior defense official said.

"It wasn't so much about planning to initiate operations on a 'date certain,' as it was about determining if the regime would heed the warnings of the international community and comply" with a United Nations resolution, the official said.

Top military officials described the cruise-missile strikes as "the leading edge" of a multiphase campaign against Col. Gadhafi. But the officials stressed that Mr. Obama's goal was to create conditions quickly that would allow the U.S. to step back and assume largely a backup role.

Washington wants France, Britain, Canada and other coalition partners to take responsibility for day-to-day enforcement of the no-fly zone over Libya. Officials described America's longer-term role as providing logistical support, such as refueling allied planes and provide intelligence from drones.

Officials did, however, acknowledge that developments on the battlefield could force the U.S. to expand its involvement, from firing more cruise missiles to launching strikes with American stealth aircraft.

Saturday's strikes formally fell under the operational control of Gen. Carter Ham, the commander of the U.S. Africa Command, which is based in Stuttgart, Germany. But the Pentagon hopes to move in the coming days to a coalition commander who is "preferably not U.S.," a senior military official said.

Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, said Mr. Obama's foreign-policy doctrine is at work in the president's insistence on seeking broad-based support for military action, as well as in his reliance on international institutions and his focus on humanitarian relief and "preventing mass atrocity."

Mr. Obama made clear to his advisers that he wanted U.N. support before acting, officials said. U.S. officials sought Arab League support before agreeing to push for a U.N. Security Council vote.

White House advisers said the administration's approach was shaped in large part by fears that Western inaction against Col. Gadhafi would lead to a bloodbath in Benghazi. That prospect alarmed policy makers in the White House, in particular those who made their reputations in part by arguing that the West's inaction during the Rwandan genocide in the 1990s made the West morally complicit.

That context was reflected in Mr. Obama's acceptance speech for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, after he authorized an escalation of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

"I face the world as it is, and cannot stand idle in the face of threats to the American people," Mr. Obama said, outlining his rational for using force. "For make no mistake: Evil does exist in the world."


China has rich salt reserves to meet demand: China Salt

2011-03-17 13:29:15 GMT2011-03-17 21:29:15(Beijing Time) Xinhua English

A staff worker carries a bag of salt in Taiyuan, capital of north China's Shanxi Province, March 17, 2011. China National Salt Industry Corp. (CNSIC) on Thursday said China has rich salt reserves to meet people's demand and consumers need not panic to hoard salt. (Xinhua/Yan Yan)

Staff workers sell iodised salt in Tianjin, north China, March 17, 2011. China National Salt Industry Corp. (CNSIC) on Thursday said China has rich salt reserves to meet people's demand and consumers need not panic to hoard salt. (Xinhua/Yue Yuewei)

Consumers buy edible salt at a supermarket in Jinan, capital of east China's Shandong Province, March 17, 2011. China National Salt Industry Corp. (CNSIC) on Thursday said China has rich salt reserves to meet people's demand and consumers need not panic to hoard salt. (Xinhua/Zhu Zheng)

Retailers carry the boxes of salt off a truck in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong Province, March 17, 2011. China National Salt Industry Corp. (CNSIC) on Thursday said China has rich salt reserves to meet people's demand and consumers need not panic to hoard salt. (Xinhua/Wu Lu)

A staff worker transports the bags of salt at a warehouse in Xining, capital of northwest China's Qinghai Province, March 17, 2011. China National Salt Industry Corp. (CNSIC) on Thursday said China has rich salt reserves to meet people's demand and consumers need not panic to hoard salt. (Xinhua/Wang Bo)

China National Salt Industry Corp. (CNSIC) on Thursday said China has rich salt reserves to meet people's demand and consumers need not panic to hoard salt.


China safe from radiation so far



制图:宋嵩 蔡华伟









针对日本核电站核泄漏污染物是否会对我国产生影响,15日下午,世界气象组织和国际原子能机构北京区域环境紧急响应中心组织了专题会商。该中心分析认为:日本中北部区域在中低层大气中的风向由西南风转为西北风;高空大气主要以偏西风气流为主,近期由于降水发生,有利于核物质沉降,影响范围缩小。未来三天(16日至18日),日本核电站核泄漏产生的放射性污染物主要影响区域为日本中部、北部及其以东的北太平洋[11.94 0.67%]区域,对我国没有影响。



















Quake moved Japan by 8 feet: USGS

NASA's Terra satellite's first view of northeastern Japan, acquired March 12, 2011 by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), reveals extensive flooding in the Sendai region following the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck off the coast on March 11, 2011. (REUTERS/NASA)

WASHINGTON, March 13 - Japan's recent massive earthquake, one of the largest ever recorded, appears to have moved the island by about eight feet (2.4 meters), the US Geological Survey said Saturday.

"That's a reasonable number," USGS seismologist Paul Earle told AFP. "Eight feet, that's certainly going to be in the ballpark."

Friday's 8.9 magnitude quake unleashed a terrifying tsunami that engulfed towns and cities on Japan's northeastern coast, destroying everything in its path in what Prime Minister Naoto Kan said was an "unprecedented national disaster."

The quake and its tectonic shift resulted from "thrust faulting" along the boundary of the Pacific and North America plates, according to the USGS.

The Pacific plate pushes under a far western wedge of the North America plate at the rate of about 3.3 inches (83 millimeters) per year, but a colossal earthquake can provide enough of a jolt to dramatically move the plates, with catastrophic consequences.

"With an earthquake this large, you can get these huge ground shifts," Earle said. "On the actual fault you can get 20 meters (65 feet) of relative movement, on the two sides of the fault."

He said similar movements would have been seen for Chile and Indonesia.

In December 2004, a 9.1 magnitude quake off Sumatra caused a tsunami that killed an estimated 228,000 people. An 8.8 quake off the coast of Chile in February 2010 killed more than 500.

There was not a similar ground shift in the 7.0 earthquake that devastated Haiti in February 2010, Earle said.

"A magnitude 7.0 is much smaller than the earthquake that just happened in Japan," he said. "We've had aftershocks (in Japan) larger than the Haiti earthquake."

Kenneth Hudnut, a USGS geophysicsist, said experts read data including from global positioning systems to determine the extend of the shift.

"We know that one GPS station moved (eight feet), and we have seen a map from GSI (Geospatial Information Authority) in Japan showing the pattern of shift over a large area is consistent with about that much shift of the land mass," he told CNN.


5.8-magnitude quake hits SW China's Yunnan

BEIJING - An earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter Scale jolted Yingjiang County in Southwest China's Yunnan province at 12:58 am Beijing Time Thursday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center.

The epicenter, with a depth of 10 kilometers, was monitored at 24.7 degrees north latitude and 97.9 degrees east longitude, the center said.


President Hu Jintao to visit Russia this year: FM

BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao will pay a state visit to Russia this year at the invitation of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told a press conference Monday.

Yang said last year China-Russia relations achieved a lot of good results, and leaders of the two countries reached consensus on further deepening China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination.

"China-Russia relations have been lifted to a higher level," he said.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of the China-Russia Treaty of Good-neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation, and the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination, according to Yang.

The two sides will seize the opportunities to further advance their strategic partnership of coordination, he said.

He said the two countries will work together to step up their cooperation on some key projects in such fields as economy and trade, high technology as well as their exchanges at the local level; to institutionalize the popular activities under the framework of National Year and Language Year between the two countries; and to step up their cooperation in regional and international organizations and enhance collaboration and coordination in addressing regional hot-spot issues.

Yang said that in a world China and Russia are good neighbors, friends and partners, trust and credibility form the foundation of all undertakings.

"This is a major conclusion we we have drawn from the growth of China-Russia relations. It is also an important guarantee for the sustained, coordinated and steady development of China-Russia ties," he said.

Yang made the remarks on the sidelines of the annual session of the National People's Congress, the country's top legislature.


Key targets of China's 12th five-year plan

BEIJING, March 5 (Xinhua) -- The draft of China's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) was submitted Saturday to the National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature for reviewing.

Following are key targets of the draft:

Economic targets

-- GDP to grow by 7 percent annually on average;

-- More than 45 million jobs to be created in urban areas;

-- Urban registered unemployment to be kept no higher than 5 percent;

-- Prices to be kept generally stable.

Economic restructuring

-- Rise in domestic consumption;

-- Breakthrough in emerging strategic industries;

-- Service sector value-added output to account for 47 percent of GDP, up 4 percentage points;

-- Urbanization rate to reach 51.5 percent, up 4 percentage points.


-- Expenditure on research and development to account for 2.2 percent GDP;

-- Every 10,000 people to have 3.3 patents.

Environment & clean energy

-- Non-fossil fuel to account for 11.4 percent of primary energy consumption;

-- Water consumption per unit of value-added industrial output to be cut by 30 percent;

-- Energy consumption per unit of GDP to be cut by 16 percent;

-- Carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP to be cut by 17 percent;

-- Forest coverage rate to rise to 21.66 percent and forest stock to increase by 600 million cubic meters;


-- Annual grain production capacity to be no less than 540 million tones;

-- Farmland reserves to be no less than 1.818 billion mu.


-- Population to be no larger than 1.39 billion;

-- Life span per person to increase by one year;

-- Pension schemes to cover all rural residents and 357 million urban residents;

-- Construction and Renovation of 36 million apartments for low-income families;

-- Minimum wage standard to increase by no less than 13 percent on average each year;

Social management

-- Improved public service for both urban and rural residents;

-- Improved democracy and legal system;

-- Better social management system for greater social harmony;

-- More than 10 percent of all residents will be registered as community volunteers.


-- Encourage qualified enterprises to get listed in stock markets;

-- In-depth reform in monopoly industries for easier market entry and more competition;

-- Improved government efficiency and credibility


Full story

Highlights of China's 12th five-year plan

BEIJING, March 5 (Xinhua) -- A draft of China's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) was submitted Saturday morning to the National People's Congress (NPC), the country's top legislature, for reviewing.

Following are the highlights of the draft of the plan, which was distributed to the media prior to the opening of the Fourth Session of the 11th NPC.????